Programme Highlights 2023-24

 Sat 9 &
 Sun 10 Sept
 Archaeological Dig, Potters Heath
 Tues 12 Sept  'Ashwell: What can you discover about your village's houses' by David Short
 Sun 17 Sept  Heritage Open Day: Codicote Village Museum open 2-5 pm
 plus tours of the village and parish
 Tues 10 Oct  'Hitchin Priory: Home of Monks, Monkeys and Tyrants'
 by Matthew Platt, North Hertfordshire Museum
 Sun 15 Oct  Codicote Village Museum open 2-5 pm
 Tues 14 Nov  'Welwyn's Pubs' by Paul Jiggens
 Tues 12 Dec  Short talks: 'Richard III; the Hertfordshire Pope; the Battles of St Albans' plus Christmas Social
 Tues 9 Jan  ‘'Growing up in Codicote in the 1950s' by Graeme Payne
 Tues 13 Feb  Short Talks: 'Victorian Wedding & the History of Drivers End'  by Members
 Tues 12 March  'Baldock's Medieval Manor' (and AGM) by Brendan King
 Tues 9 April  'Almshouses' by Dr Kate Thompson
 Sat 20 April  'Living Crafts' History Day
A great opportunity to see craftspeople at work, and to have a go yourself!
 Peace Memorial Hall, 11am – 4pm
 Sun 5 &
 Mon 6 May
 ‘Beating the Bounds of Codicote’; meet 10am on The Hill, (by the village sign)
 Tues 14 May   'Jottings of Two Buntingford Vicars' by Heather Falvey
 Tues 11 June   Tour of Hertford Castle with Philip Sheail
  Meet on site, 7:20pm.  Booking essential
 Tues 9 July   Visit to Royston Cave
  Meet on site, 7:20pm.  Booking essential
 Sat 7 & Sun 8 Sept  Archaeological Dig
 Dates to be arranged

Codicote Village Museum (behind Peace Memorial Hall) will be open on certain Sundays in Sept
& Oct, and March - June from 2 – 5pm. See posters for dates and details.

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